Representing some of the most powerful creators in performance media.
Megyn Kelly
Tucker Carlson
Piers Morgan
Bill O'Reilly
Dr. Phil
Nancy Grace
Mike Baker
Chris Hansen
Jesse Kelly
Dana Loesch
Eric Bolling
Sean Spicer
"I love the ads, I love reading the ads, and I'm now convinced that if I hadn't made it in news I could have had a career reading ads. I'm telling you, it's fun for me"
- Megyn Kelly
Show & Frequency
Platform (s)

Tucker Carlson
- Maine | Florida
Show & Frequency
- The Tucker Carlson Show
- 2x per week
- YouTube
- Podcast
Audience & Demographics
- Male/Female 75/25
- Ages 25-54

Megyn Kelly
- New York, NY
Show & Frequency
- The Megyn Kelly Show
- 5x per week
- YouTube
- Podcast
- SiriusXM
Audience & Demographics
- Male/Female 70/30
- Ages 35+

Piers Morgan
- London / Los Angeles
Show & Frequency
- Uncensored
- 5x per week
- YouTube
- Podcast
Audience & Demographics
- Male/Female 75/25
- Ages 25-54

Dr. Phil
- Dallas, TX
Show & Frequency
- Dr. Phil Primetime
- 5x per week
- YouTube
- TV
- Podcast
Audience & Demographics
- Male/Female 60/40
- Ages 35+

Bill O'Reilly
- New York, NY
Show & Frequency
- No Spin News
- 5x per week
- YouTube
- TV
- Podcast
- Radio
- Licensing
Audience & Demographics
- Male/Female 75/25
- Ages 55+

Chris Hansen
- New York, NY
Show & Frequency
- Predators I’ve Caught
- 2x per week
- Podcast
Audience & Demographics
- Male/Female 50/50
- Ages 25 - 54

Nancy Grace
- Atlanta, GA
Show & Frequency
- Crime Stories
- 5x per week
- YouTube
Audience & Demographics
- Male/Female 25/75
- Ages 35+

Mike Baker
- Boise, ID
Show & Frequency
- The President's Daily Brief
- 5x per week
- YouTube
- Podcast
Audience & Demographics
- Male/Female 95/5
- Ages 35+

Jesse Kelly
- Houston, TX
Show & Frequency
- I'm Right
- 5x per week
- TV
Audience & Demographics
- Male/Female 80/20
- Ages 35+

Sean Spicer
- Washington D.C
Show & Frequency
- The Sean Spicer Show
- 5x per week
- YouTube
- TV
- Podcast
- Social
Audience & Demographics
- Male/Female 70/30
- Ages 45+

Dana Loesch
- Dallas, TX
Show & Frequency
- The Dana Show
- 5x per week
- YouTube
- TV
- Podcast
- Radio
Audience & Demographics
- Male/Female 75/25
- Ages 45+

Eric Bolling
- West Palm Beach, FL
Show & Frequency
- Bolling!
- 5x per week
- YouTube
- TV
- Podcast
Audience & Demographics
- Male/Female 80/20
- Ages 45+